Black and white photography has always been an essential part of my work as a professional wedding photographer. While colour is often the default, there are times when black and white is the most effective way to tell a story. It’s not just about removing colour, it’s about drawing attention to contrast, texture, and composition in a way that colour sometimes can’t achieve.

When I Choose Black & White Photography
In my experience, black and white photography works best with even skin tones, strong compositions, and textures. Without the distraction of colour, the eye is naturally drawn to form, structure, and the way light interacts with a subject.

Contrast & Light
High contrast scenes with deep blacks and bright highlights translate beautifully into black and white. Whether it’s directional window light or harsh midday sun, these lighting conditions create dramatic shadows and highlights that add depth and definition.
Backlit images with rim lighting also work well. Without colour to distract, the focus shifts to the way the light outlines and shapes the subject, adding a sense of depth and separation.
Texture & Detail
When photographing weddings, I often look for textures that will stand out in black and white—delicate lace on a wedding dress, the rough grain of an old wooden table, or the soft ripples in flowing fabric. Removing colour enhances the depth and detail of these elements.
Venue and documentary-style shots also benefit from black and white conversion. The absence of colour can emphasize the rich textures in a historic building, the rugged feel of an outdoor location, or the crisp details in a well-lit portrait.

Simplifying a Composition
Sometimes, colour can be distracting. If a background is too busy or if different colours clash, switching to black and white can clean up the composition and bring focus back to the subject.
Techniques such as leading lines, symmetry, and negative space are often more pronounced in black and white, making images feel stronger and more intentional.

Creating a Timeless Look
While trends in colour grading come and go, black and white remains timeless. It strips an image down to its essential elements, making it less about the specific time and place and more about the composition and structure.

When Colour Works Better
Not every image benefits from black and white. Some scenes rely on colour to tell the story -vibrant sunsets, colourful confetti throws, or the contrast between a bold bouquet and a white wedding dress. Before converting an image, I always ask whether the core elements; light, shadow, and composition—are strong enough to stand on their own without colour.

How I Process Black & White Images
When I decide an image is best in black and white, I always shoot in RAW and convert it in post-processing. This allows for full control over tonal adjustments, ensuring that the contrast is exactly where it needs to be. Using software like Adobe Lightroom, I fine-tune the black and white mix, adjusting the highlights, shadows, and midtones to get the right balance.

Final Thoughts
Black and white photography isn’t just a stylistic choice, it’s a tool I use to highlight contrast, texture, and composition in a way that enhances storytelling. Whether it’s a wedding, a documentary project, or a portrait, I always evaluate each image carefully to determine whether it would be stronger in monochrome. When used thoughtfully, black and white photography has the power to create compelling, visually striking images that stand the test of time.
